A weapon behind the back of the Polish TVN reporter in Senegal

Wojciech Bojanowski is the only journalist who, on the occasion of Poland's struggle with Senegal, reported on what is happening in the country of our first World Cup rival.

Several times, the network circulated short shots from its "adventures". For the first time, when at the time of live TV, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of children. The young Senegalese did not hide their excitement. They shouted, waved their hands and effectively prevented the reporter from working.

At some point, a young man came into the group and began to beat young football fans with his stick . The reporter was surprised by the man's intense intervention, but immediately continued the program.

A weapon behind the back of the Polish TVN reporter in Senegal

It must be remembered that consent to such behavior at this end of the world, after all, is completely different to us.

- Senegal is a very hospitable country, but certainly educational methods are completely different and brutal here than in Europe - says Bojanowski in an interview with Wirtualna Polska.

He assures us that he did not feel dangerous there for a moment. It focuses on something else: "People in Senegal are totally in love with sports . They like it, but it is also a chance for them to have a better life."

Although the reporter has already visited more than one country on foreign continents, he admits that the visit in Senegal made a really big impression on him.

- This is the first country in the world where in the evenings I see hundreds of people going to the beach and practicing gyms, doing push-ups and crunches at open gyms. Maybe that is why, when going to the championships, they have such a large selection of players afterwards - he states in an interview with Wirtualna Polska.

Now the network, in turn, runs a screen shot, which shows that behind the TVN reporter is a man waving a gun.

- As for the gun, I did not see him in the whole situation. I do not even know if he was real. But of course, as in many countries of Africa or South America, weapons in the streets appear here more often than in our country - he admits.

Two different worlds

"Beating children to classes with reed and beating them on the calves is something completely normal there," says Jarosław Kociszewski, a reporter of Wirtualna Polska, who visited tens of schools in several countries during his travels around Africa. He viewed similar pictures, among others, in Ethiopia, Uganda or Kenya.

The long-standing correspondent adds that, moreover, teachers and educators also often wear special white smocks.

- The point is to stand out. This is an old, colonial approach to education, in which the teacher, even the weak one, is the authority, and the children only have to listen. Later, adults are supposed to listen to the power, i.e. simply a soldier with a Kalashnikov instead of a previous stick - he notes.


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