Why do you have to include cauliflower in your diet?

Cauliflower is much more useful than its "fellow" broccoli. This cruciferous vegetable is a real storehouse of nutrients. It should be given special attention to him when drawing up his diet. Having a slightly sweet taste with nutty notes, cauliflower can be considered one of the most fashionable products in recent years. She confidently took her place in the menu of restaurants and on the home tables in various forms. Particularly fond of people rice with vegetables. Although the most healthy choice is brightly colored fruits and vegetables, nutritionists note that cauliflower is an exception. Despite the white color, it is an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables contain vitamin C, folate, fiber and vitamin K. It is also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals - two compounds that are believed to play a role in the prevention of chronic diseases. Cauliflower is one of the 25 best fruit and vegetable crops in terms of nutrient content per calorie.

Why do you have to include cauliflower in your diet?

White inflorescences are the main edible part of the vegetable. They fit tightly to each other and are covered with green leaves. Greens are usually not used for food. Cauliflower is prepared as a second course, eaten raw, added to soups, roasts or salads.

The nutritional value 

Let's consider the maintenance in the given vegetable of various components. A hundred grams of cauliflower (uncooked) contains 25 kcal. There is absolutely no fat and cholesterol in it. 2 grams of sugar and protein in this cabbage. Sodium is 30 mg, this is one percent of the daily allowance for an adult. Only one portion of cauliflower you can make up more than half the daily norm of vitamin C - 77%. Dietary fiber in the vegetable 10%, calcium and iron - 2% of daily allowance.


The name cauliflower is derived from the Latin words caulis (meaning "stem") and floris (in the translation "flower"), it means "cabbage flower". This is a cruciferous vegetable. To the same family of plants are: arugula, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, radish, turnip, watercress, etc. Vegetable is rich in nutrients.

Cauliflower appeared in Asia Minor, in the territory of modern Turkey, from wild cabbage. The plant became popular in France at the beginning of the 16th century and subsequently began to be cultivated in the UK and Northern Europe. Today, most cauliflower is grown in the United States, France, Italy, India and China.

Different colors of cauliflower 

Why do you have to include cauliflower in your diet?

Although white is the most common color, there are also several varieties of cabbage of other shades. Orange cauliflower. To taste it looks like white, but contains twenty-five times more vitamin A in the inflorescences. Purple cauliflower. The color of lavender this vegetable is obliged to anthocyanins, which are plant pigments, rich in antioxidants, still contained in red cabbage. Green cauliflower. This is something between cauliflower and broccoli. Has a more sweet taste.

Antioxidant strength 

The health benefits of this vegetable are not particularly well studied at the moment. But it is known that it contains vitamins C and K, as well as manganese, which are antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals. They can help prevent conditions such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. Just one cup of cooked cauliflower gives the person 73-77 percent of the recommended daily norm of vitamin C, 19 percent of the daily norm of vitamin K and 8 percent of the required amount of manganese.


Cruciferous vegetables, including cauliflower, are rich in plant compounds, such as sulforaphane and indoles, which, according to scientists, can reduce the risk of some types of malignant tumors. Studies of the effects of these anticancer compounds on animals have shown promising results in the prevention of cancer. But the results of the data obtained during the survey of people consuming a large number of cruciferous vegetables, do not yet allow us to say anything concrete.

Why do you have to include cauliflower in your diet?

Some studies show that the glucosinolates found in these vegetables can reduce the risk of certain types of tumors, namely the prostate gland. These substances can contribute to the removal of carcinogens from the body. Several studies have been conducted that examined the relationship between consumption of cruciferous vegetables and the risk of cancer. According to their authors, this relationship can be said if it is a case of stomach cancer, lung, rectum and colon. But they also note that it is still unclear, there is a connection with the consumption of a large number of cruciferous or vegetables in general.

Heart Health 

Some studies suggest that the presence of a large number of crucifers in the diet contributes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. But their results are also quite contradictory. The beneficial effect of these products is due to the presence in them of sulforaphane, which makes blood vessels stronger and thus reduces the risk of diseases. It has been found that its anti-inflammatory abilities help protect the body against hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

Digestive system 

Cauliflower contains a large amount of fiber, in one cup of this component's vegetable - about ten percent of the recommended daily dose. Diets rich in fiber help to avoid constipation and contribute to a softer stool. This will not only facilitate life, but also help maintain intestinal health.

Health risks 

The risk of harm to health with the use of cauliflower is usually minimal. Like other cruciferous vegetables, it can cause in some people increased gas formation and bloating. People taking medications based on warfarin, a substance that dilutes blood, should carefully monitor the amount of green vegetables in their diet, including cauliflower. The fact that vitamin K, in large quantities contained in such products, can affect the effectiveness of the drug. This does not mean that you need to give up such nutritious vegetables. Just need to monitor their quantity in their diet and do not get too carried away.

Eating vegetables 

Steaming and baking are probably the most common ways of making this vegetable. But they can make it soft and insipid. That's why many cooking experts advise to fry it or eat it raw, so that it does not lose its taste. The shape of the inflorescences and their mild flavor make them an ideal product for consumption with various sauces.

Eating vegetables

Here's how experts advise this product: Eat it raw, just like that or with hummus. Fry the vegetable in a small amount of olive oil or add it to the roast. Make a puree from cauliflower as an alternative to the usual potato. Grind cauliflower in a food processor so that its pieces resemble the size of rice, and enjoy it instead of the usual rice. Use the wiped cauliflower instead of flour as the main ingredient when preparing a pizza dough. Roll the inflorescences in breadcrumbs and bake in the oven to create a delicious healthy side dish. Cauliflower - available, useful and, if properly prepared, a delicious product. Be sure to include it in your diet. 


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