Can snakes get into the house through a pipe in the toilet?

Many adults are afraid of some things. The list of phobias is impressive: from public appearances and enclosed spaces to vile spiders and other eerie creatures. But the leading position in this list is occupied by snakes. And if by themselves these creatures can cause fear, then imagine your reaction to the snake coming out of the toilet, especially if you were just going to sit down there.

Can snakes get into the house through a pipe in the toilet?

A fantastic nightmare or a terrible reality? 

If such horrible stories are unlikely in real life, then why are they being written about? Precisely because such cases are very rare, from each of them they make almost a sensation, devoting the first pages of newspapers to the event. Rare and quivering news is transmitted from mouth to mouth, turning into nightmarish stories, seasoned with colorful new details.

The case on the 19th floor

 In 2010, in New York, a whole column in the newspaper was dedicated to a corn snake found in the toilet on the 19th floor. Herpetologists (snake experts) agree that the cases are so real. According to them, snakes can move through the pipes of the sewage system, holding their breath for a long time. These reptiles perfectly swim, and if necessary can stretch and squeeze the body to overcome a tight space. It sounds somehow not very comforting?

Fortunately, there is no guarantee that the meter-long snake, which incidentally turned out to be non-toxic, traveled through the sewers, hitting there from the outside. It is possible that this is someone's escaped pet, who did not have to go a long way. This happens often. Of course, many people do not get much from this explanation, especially for those who personally faced this problem. And after all some people also bitten snakes in similar cases for "interesting" places.

Especially cases with exotic pets are relevant when snakes are found in toilets that are not specific to a specific locality. It becomes obvious that the reptile just escaped from its owner through the sewage system or even a hole in the wall. Sometimes people simply throw animals that have become unnecessary to them. Such poor fellows also then arrange "surprises" for other residents of high-rise buildings.

How to protect yourself 

What should I do to prevent your sewer from giving you such a gift? The main danger can come from a neighbor who does not keep a close eye on his unusual pet. If the snake goes through his toilet to the sewer, and after accidentally chooses your sewer pipe, then she will get out right from your toilet.

However, such trips are usually short for these reptiles. Sewage pipes usually pass below the surface of the earth, and therefore the temperatures in this system are low. This prevents most snakes from surviving for a long time under similar conditions. Therefore, they can not arrange their homes here, as some alligators could do.

Can snakes get into the house through a pipe in the toilet?

If you are afraid of the idea of ​​"toilet monsters" in the most direct sense, then take care of your own safety. Install a multi-valve, which will freely let out water and waste, while not letting anything get inside. Even if such cases have never happened in your area, and you are simply tormented by an eerie phobia, you can so calm your nerves, besides securing the house.

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