The Canadian city of Montreal starts its path towards free software

The Canadian city of Montreal starts its path towards free software . An expedition full of dangers - there is always the possibility of Microsoft camping in the outskirts -, to bring new technologies to the local administration and provide better service to citizens.

The Canadian city of Montreal starts its path towards free software

This opening to free software in Montreal, aims to improve their IT services, promoting transparency and choice. Currently, the following lines of action are marked :

Provide information for the use of open source software and hardware .
Contribute to increase the quality and safety of the solutions provided.

Promote the reuse of technological solutions developed by or for the city, and more specifically speed up their exchange with other public administrations.

Allow local suppliers and local administration staff to participate in the development of open source software and hardware.

Stimulate innovation and promote competition in terms of software and hardware purchases.
Provide modern solutions adapted to users.
Contribute to the common good.

The Montreal Information Technology Department recognizes other advantages of free software related to information security , the pooling of solutions, the resilience of data , independence from a single provider and the development of a own software industry.

The city of Montreal also undertakes that all software developed or developed for the city be distributed under free licenses . For its selection, maturity criteria will be followed in the market, the organizations that support it, the license and the level of security that they offer.

According to François Croteau, head of Montreal's information and innovation technology, in some local media , it is still not possible to quantify the savings that this new policy will entail, but above all, he considers the positive impact it will have on administration and services. the citizens.

Anyway, the choice of free software is not determined by its free or license savings (in these cases is an interesting argument, but personally I do not think it is the most important), but because it is considered to be better in many areas.

Among the first measures and before the transition begins, it is intended to improve the IT infrastructure of the city, modernizing the computer equipment, which according to a recent study suffer an obsolescence rate of 91%. To all this should follow a period of training of personnel working in the local administration.

Hopefully they will succeed, although we already know that these decisions are always open to political fluctuations . And in the case of Montreal there is already a nice tradition among its mayors at the time of letting themselves be corrupted and receiving bribes .


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