How to become rich? 16 tips from the most successful people in the world

People rarely achieve real success by accident. You should prepare for financial victories with the help of advice given by some of the most successful people in the world.

Be passionate (Warren Buffett) 

Be passionate (Warren Buffett)

For most people, finding exactly what they like and monetizing this occupation is one of the biggest challenges in life. These tips, according to Warren Buffett, are exactly what allowed him to succeed in investing and finding good deals. "To be successful in almost everything is to take it with passion. If you see someone with a high intellect and a passion for what he does, and he forces the people around him to carry out his orders, even if these people can not see beyond the top of the nearest hill, he will definitely be successful, "he said. .

Record everything (Sir Richard Branson) 

Record everything (Sir Richard Branson)

The magnate Richard Branson has repeatedly reported that he compiles a wide variety of lists. "I've always lived making lists," he said. "That includes all the lists of people I need to call; lists of ideas; lists of companies that need to be opened; lists of messages I need to send; lists of my plans. " He advises you to write down every idea that comes to your mind, no matter how big or small it is, and then try to implement it. Lists are a great way to set financial priorities.

The secret is not only in luck or talent (Sean Combs) 

The secret is not only in luck or talent (Sean Combs)

It's easy to write off your success at the fact that you were at the right time in the right place, but in the end, no real achievement can come without hard work. This is a lesson that tycoon Sean Combs learned very early, and it was from this that he drew the financial advice that now follows. Already at the age of 12 he learned that if he would give his best for clients, he would be rewarded.

Do not be cheeky (Bill Gates) 

Do not be cheeky (Bill Gates)

"Success is a bad teacher," said Microsoft's founder Bill Gates. "He seduces intelligent people and makes them think that they can not lose." Do not stop acting. Do not stop learning. Former success does not guarantee future success. Even the most intelligent, most talented people with connections can lose.

Be disciplined (Mark Cuban) 

Be disciplined (Mark Cuban)

This applies to all areas of life. Mark Cuban pays attention to a good test: can you cut your credit card? "If you use a credit card, you do not want to be rich," he said. - The first step to becoming rich, will require discipline from you. If you really want to get rich, you need to learn to be disciplined. Will you get it? "

Develop a plan that will work for you (Bozoma St. John) 

Develop a plan that will work for you (Bozoma St. John)

Many successful people believe that lists are very helpful, but you should respect what works for you. The main brand manager of Uber Bozoma St. John, for example, said that the lists would not allow her to be where she is now. "This is a personal approach, and it does not work for everyone, and I noticed that when I make a list of pros and cons, I try to dissuade myself from a good idea," she said.

Know that it will not be easy (Jeff Bezos) 

Know that it will not be easy (Jeff Bezos)

The executive director of Amazon once remembered the moment when one of his friends hired a coach for a stand in his arms. "At the first lesson, this coach gave excellent advice. Most people think that if they work hard, they will be able to master the stand on their hands in about two weeks. The truth is that you will need six months of daily practice, "he said.

Look for online resources (Seuss Orman)

Look for online resources (Seuss Orman)

Seuss Orman gave her financial advice, among which she pointed out the following: look at your monthly budget, highlighting all expenses that are not vital, then cut these costs by 10 percent until you have five thousand free. She also said that you always need to check the availability of discounts before you make a purchase.

You do not need money to make money (Damon John) 

You do not need money to make money (Damon John)

Damond John said that he understood the following: almost every time he achieved this or that success, money never had anything to do with this. And if you are familiar with entrepreneurial activities, you definitely know that entrepreneurs never succeed in success. He constantly alternates with failures.

Keep track of your loans (Sophia Amoruzo) 

Keep track of your loans (Sophia Amoruzo)

"Trivia is exactly what can ruin your credit history, and they will definitely do it," said Sofya Amoruzo, the authoritative online empire of Nasty Gal and GirlBoss Media. - Due to the fact that I constantly moved, I never had a stable address, so I did not get an account while moving from state to state. By the time my account for $ 28 caught up with me, my credit rating was already spoiled. "

Really look at the facts (Jeff Busgan) 

Really look at the facts (Jeff Busgan)

Know the facts about yourself and pay attention to them. "A very serious mistake that many people make is that they either ignore the data or deny what they say," said businessman Jeff Busgang. "You always need to try to focus on information and learn the truth."

Treat normally to failure (Sarah Blakely) 

Treat normally to failure (Sarah Blakely)

The founder of Spanx, Sarah Blakeley, said that accepting defeats and maintaining self-confidence was exactly what helped her become the youngest millionaire who had earned her fortune in the whole of America. "What you do not know can be your biggest asset if you allow it and if you have the confidence to say:" I will do it anyway! "

When you are young, optimize for training, not for earning (Tim Ferriss) 

When you are young, optimize for training, not for earning (Tim Ferriss)

Think in the long term. "When you are between 20 and 30, optimize to learn, not earn," said author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss. - Work under the leadership of professionals and get new skills. This is especially true for negotiating, as well as for solid skills, such as writing code. "

Control your risk (Neil Blumenthal) 

Control your risk (Neil Blumenthal)

With great risk comes a big reward, but that does not mean you have to go all-in to make money, especially if you want to retire early. "From the very beginning, our approach to entrepreneurship was slightly different from the norm," said Neil Blumenthal, founder of Warby Parker. "Instead of making huge jumps, we focused on a bold look, but also on the way to the goal with small quick steps."

Be persistent (Julie Rice) 

Be persistent (Julie Rice)

Optimize your chances of success in all aspects of your life. Here is an example from the founder of SoulCycle, Julie Rice: "If someone asks you for a cup of coffee, but you forgot to ask if this person wants coffee with sugar or milk, you will need to bring one black coffee, one with milk, one with sugar and one with milk and sugar. You just bring four cups of coffee. This is what you need to do, because you do not want to appear with the wrong thing. "

Have a plan at hand (Alexa Von Tobel) 

Have a plan at hand (Alexa Von Tobel)

Do not leave finance at the mercy of luck. Learn to control money, get a plan, no matter how small capital is, and also regardless of what your goals are. "Not having a financial plan is also a plan, but only very bad," said Alexa Von Tobel, director and founder of LearnVest, who founded her own business for that reason.

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