11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

Do you also want to believe that you are giving your romantic partner pleasure in bed? At least, you do not want to blush and apologize for your own unsophistication in love games. In turn, between the experienced and inexperienced partner, you will prefer the first option. So you have more chances to avoid problems and troubles in the bedroom. In this connection, a logical question arises: Is there any indication that a beautiful lover can be recognized? They are in front of you.

You drink wine 

Women who prefer two glasses of wine a day are more passionate lovers than those who drink only one glass or do not drink at all. Wine and sexuality were related to each other in the days of Ancient Greece. Use this method if you want to liberate yourself and hit your sexual partner. However, do not try to overdo it. So you lose control of yourself and lose your physical attractiveness.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You have a sense of humor 

If you are the soul of the company, and in your arsenal there are jokes for any occasion, for sure you are spoiled by the attention of the people of the opposite sex. If you delve into the nature of jokers, it becomes clear that each of them has an amazing ability to laugh at yourself. Scientists believe that there is nothing more sexual than the ability to recognize their weaknesses. Another scientific experiment has shown that people who often laugh, almost certainly are wonderful lovers.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You like ice cream with coffee aroma 

Now there are so many different ice cream fillers that gourmets run their eyes. Have you ever tried coffee ice cream? If so, then it speaks of your sexual confidence. A study conducted not so long ago by Chicago scientists showed that coffee taste of ice cream is preferred by people who live today. They do not care about the past and do not care about dreams. What else is needed for a lover hero who is completely focused on the process?
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You are smart 

Men who choose as a constant sexual partner a pretty silly woman, are very mistaken. From the point of view of science, smart women are more skilled and experienced lovers. In a study conducted in 2009 by Professor Tim Spector, 2,000 women of different ages took part. As a result, it became clear that ladies with a high level of intelligence experience orgasm twice as often.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

you enjoy eating 

When people eat slowly, they get pleasure from every piece of food sent to the mouth. There is nothing surprising in the fact that this behavior goes to the bedroom. If you do not rush to get rid of food, first of all you seek to please your romantic partner.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You know what you want to eat 

We have already seen that there is nothing more sensual than food and sex. When you come to a restaurant, you absolutely know exactly what you want to eat right now. The speed of choosing an order is another nontrivial indicator of a good lover. Persistence and passion on white sheets completely reflect the confidence and firmness that you exude in other life situations.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You are passionate about politics 

If you are interested in watching the political games of presidential candidates, this gives you an advantage in sexual games. According to a study conducted in America in 2016, the more people are interested in politics, the more they experience orgasms. Curious conclusions, is not it?
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You can dance well 

Previously, men and women were spinning to the sound of a waltz. Thus, they could demonstrate to each other the art of owning one's own body. Over the years, the dancing became more and more passionate (remember Argentine tango and pasadoble). Modern dancers have come to the point that they no longer need partners on the dance floor to show their ability to wiggle their hips or shake the fifth point. With these movements, we draw potential sexual partners, openly demonstrating their capabilities. If you do not want to use open dances, you can not do it. Any beautiful movement will reflect your social confidence.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

It is convenient for you to remain naked 

At home, being alone with a partner, you do not hesitate to walk around the apartment naked. The same goes for the shower cubicle of the gym, where you go thrice a week. If you are not embarrassed by your own nudity, this is another sure sign of a person experienced in love games. And here is one more interesting fact: when a woman is comfortable to be naked, she experiences greater sexual satisfaction.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You are left-handed 

According to statistics, only 12 percent of the population of our planet are left-handed people. If you are also one of the left-handed people, you are lucky to be called a passionate lover or mistress. One of the social surveys revealed that 86 percent of lefties consider themselves "extremely satisfied" in sexual terms. For comparison: only 15 percent of right-handers made such an exciting statement.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

You like eye contact 

When you involuntarily look for someone's eyes or keep eye contact with the other person during a conversation, this also indicates your temperament.
11 strange signs indicating that you are Romantic

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