Instagram allows you to silence annoying accounts and avoid the 'unfollow'

We all have that friend who feels if you stop following him in a social network. Instagram, like Twitter, allows you to silence them so you do not see their activity and avoid hurting their feelings.

Instagram allows you to silence annoying accounts and avoid the 'unfollow'

Instagram knows that you want to stop following your friends but avoid losing the link, so he launched the function of silencing accounts .

Very similar to the tool of the same name on Twitter, on Instagram users can now silence accounts that follow to stop seeing their posts in the feed and in the Stories,  without having to stop following those accounts and let their authors know that you stopped them - the dreaded unfollow .

Instagram says that this is not a new form of blocking, but quite the opposite: when you mute an account, you can still see their profile - and that person yours - and you can receive notifications of answers or labels. The silenced account, or in any case its owner, will not know when it will be silenced and at any time you can remove the "mute" to return to see its publications.

To mute an account, just press the three points in any post of the account to be muted. There you can choose between silencing publications or publications and Stories. This function will come gradually from today to all users on iOS and Android. 


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