New Facebook regulations: See what you can and can not do

New Facebook regulations. See what you can and can not do
Facebook introduces new regulations, which must be accepted by May 25. There are very specific provisions here as to the prohibited materials. Emphasis was also placed on greater protection for private individuals who may be persecuted.

New Facebook regulations. See what you can and can not do

Facebook has repeatedly been criticized for allowing speech of hatred, persecution or incitement to violence in the name of free speech. Therefore, the portal has updated its regulations, concluding existing regulations. In this very detailed document, there are even words that can not be used .

You will not use these words on Facebook anymore

You will not be allowed to publish the following content, attacking others on the grounds of race, origin, religion, sexual orientation, illness or, as the service stated, disability. The following points are direct quotes from the regulations .

_ Inferiority statements: statements or phrases suggesting a physical, psychological or moral handicap of a person or group:

Physical impairment (for example: "deformed", "underdeveloped", "repulsive" or "ugly").
Mental defect (for example: "delayed development", "moron", "low IQ", "stupid" or "idiot").
Moral impairment (for example: "puszczalska", "cheater", "miser", "on the crook of the snouts").
_Content expressions of contempt. Examples:

"I hate..."
"I do not like..."
"X is the worst" _
_ Content expressing disgust. Examples:

"Disgusting" _

READ ALSO: Facebook plans to fight against advertising without consent

Nudity on Facebook

Facebook also described in detail in detail which images containing nudity will not be placed on the portal. These will include:

_No adult, nudity is understood as:
Visible genitals.
Visible anus and / or completely naked buttocks - not applicable to the photomontage of public figures.
Uncovered female nipples - not applicable to the following contexts: breastfeeding, childbirth and postpartum, health related (eg scars after mastectomy surgery, breast cancer prevention or sex reassignment surgery) or protest actions.
Sexual activities, including:
Direct sexual intercourse understood as the contact of the lips or genitals of one person with the genitals or anus of another person, at least one person having uncovered genitalia.
Suggested sexual intercourse understood as the contact of the mouth or genitals of one person with the genitals or anus of another person, even if it is not directly visible. Does not apply to health-related materials, advertisements and images that are unambiguously fictitious or have fictional characteristics.

No more hate and violence. New Facebook regulations

Facebook in the new regulations informs that it will react more strongly to offending groups, religious beliefs and beliefs, intimidation, spamming or personal harassment. The coming months may turn out to be unpleasant for those who have used such methods and felt FB unpunished. But what are the consequences? It can be either a temporary or complete blocking of an account, as well as a notification to law enforcement agencies.

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