10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world

In the most crowded metropolis of the world, the metro is the only rescue - the only chance to avoid an undesirable stop in traffic jams.

# 1.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
Probably the most efficient metro network is in Hong Kong. Any delays are rare there - they constitute only 0.1% of journeys taking place. The efficient functioning of the network consisting of more than 210 km of watch is ... computer. Artificial intelligence layouts, among others service work, delegating people to specific tasks. Relying entirely on the software turns out to bring excellent results - the subway in Hong Kong is set as a model for analogue network designers around the world.

# 2.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
There are specific buildings in the immediate vicinity of the London or New York subway lines, which at first glance do not attract attention. This is a curiosity, because some of these buildings do not exist at all. There is only a facade behind which, for example, a subway ventilation system, machines improving the operation of the network or even exposed parts of the route are hidden. New York's "fake buildings" are characterized by heavily tinted windows - and often the only detail that distinguishes them from the environment.

# 3.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
Cincinnati, Ohio, also has its own subway. However, it rarely lands on the front pages of newspapers. All because of the fact that the metro has never been opened. A network of tunnels and stations was built to complement terrestrial tram lines. However, the individual elements could not be combined into one whole and due to the rapidly growing costs the investment was stopped. Today, the unidentified Cincinnati subway is considered the largest abandoned tunnel system in the United States.

# 4.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
There are entire armies of people working at the Tokyo metro stations. Among them, the so-called oshiya - "pushers" have an exceptionally specific occupation , literally stuffing passengers into wagons, ensuring that no one is trapped by the closing doors. Robust pushers have their hands full during the morning and afternoon rush. Loads in these sensitive hours are not able to handle even the best-designed metro.

# 5.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
Although in the assumptions that are a great facilitation for residents, tourists and visitors, metro can sometimes give a headache. A lot of this could be said by the Greeks, for whom the construction of each episode is a journey through a unique nightmare. It is difficult to drill tunnels, when at every step reveals another priceless, ancient ruins, which must be secured. In this way, completion of the construction of the subway may delay the years - what they experience, among others residents of Salonika.

# 6.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
An interesting experiment was carried out in the New York subway, under which it was decided to check how the people asked to give up their place would behave. Three situations were analyzed - a request for surprise, a request supported by a trivial reason and a request announced *. The most effective request was "with a stupid frant". In as many as 56% of cases, the respondent gave way. The trivial reason reduced the success of the experiment to 37%, and after hearing the previous conversation, only one in four passengers was willing to withdraw from the chair. I wonder how a similar experiment would run in Poland. 

* The announced request consisted in the fact that the experiment was conducted by two people entering through a separate door. Seemingly unfamiliar, they started talking about something like this: 

[A] Excuse me, do you think it will be okay if I ask someone to give up the place? 
[B] I do not know ... 
[And he asks the chosen passenger ...]

# 7.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
As part of the attractions accompanying the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, a ticket machine was installed in the metro in Moscow, which as part of the fee accepted ... 30 sit-ups. In Beijing, however, you can pay for metro travel by returning plastic bottles to special vending machines. The idea is to promote an environmentally beneficial habit of recycling among people.

# 8.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
Back in the 1970s, the New York metro was the most dangerous in the world. However, it is not because of accidents, but the robberies here, amounting to 250 cases per week. The metro itself also struggled with vandalism and thievery. It was even decided to use incandescent light bulbs (screwed in counter-clockwise) so that their theft would cease to be profitable.

# 9.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
How long may the construction of the subway show, among others Warsaw, but its own - although at the opposite extreme of the scale - was also proved by the Chinese. Even 20 years ago in Guangzhou there was not even a hole dug for the subway. Today, their system consists of 390 kilometers of tracks and over 230 stations, creating the fourth most crowded subway in the world. The Guangzhou subway is ahead of Paris, Moscow, London, New York and many more in terms of passenger numbers.

# 10.

10 interesting facts about the subway in various parts of the world
After the division of Berlin into the East and West, the metro did not cease to run. The selected lines continued to cross East Berlin, but did not stop at most of the stations there, and did not take passengers, which the soldiers were eagerly guarding. At that time, real ghost stations were created. Because for technical reasons trains running through East Berlin were forced to slow down significantly, some of the more desperate residents managed to jump into them and get to the other side of the wall, where the west tempted the promise of a better life. 
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